Saturday, April 12, 2008

Strawberries and even more strawberries oh my.

Well yesterday our strawberry bare root order finally came in. It seems that we got a double order of all the Strawberries and Asparagus plants that we ordered. So yesterday after work I was already making a trip to Lowe's to pick up fences to surround our future Fruit trees from the deer. But while there found out we not only received our strawberry order but got a double helping. We had already ordered 75 plants figuring I would need lots if I were to have any hopes at getting any before my DD eats them all. Well so now we have 150 plants. We also had to build and fill another 4x4 box to have space to plant them all. Since they were plants if we tried to return them they would have died anyhow. So hopefully at least half the bare root plants will survive so we can get the original number of plants we wanted. If we get more than that I guess will have to make berry jam or something.

1 comment:

Domestic Avalanche said...

Hard to see the end... keep gardening. Keep writing...