Thursday, July 3, 2008

4th of july update

Well, I hope that everyone has a great 4th of July. As we are truely into summer now I thought that I would provide an update on my garden as they say you might have first tomato by now. Well I am a little dissappointed that I don't have ripe tomato by the 4th but will soon. Right now we have over 75 green tomatoes even a few that are as big as a softball but nothing ripe yet. Our squash is coming along but nothing harvested yet. The zuke and other summer squash can't even find a small fruit on them yet but plants are still looking good with lots of flowers so still hopefull. I have one pepper nearly ripe and lots starting out. We ate our first cucumber of the season although it was only about ping pong ball size. It was good just small. We will have onions and garlic til they rot. We will have to harvest a good portion of the onions soon as many tops have fallen over. I am sure that we will be giving away onions and still have more than we can eat, with 600 onions we would have to eat more than 2 a day for a year. We have the first signs of silks on our corn. We also have a few butternut squash. We have a small cantelope and 3 small watermelons. Our lettuce has turned bitter so time to pull it up. We have been harvesting berries strawberries, blueberries, and wineberries. Peas are done until fall. Beans 2 of three varieties have beans on them at least a few. Still no beans on the Kentucky Wonder a green bean. No sign of either brocolli or Romanesco heads. Both Sugar pumpkins and Giant Pumkin have flowers but no sign of fruit yet. Basil is best I have ever tasted. Finding other uses for fresh grown dill. Already harvested the Red Russett potatoes. The Yukon gold even though being still under attack are still hanging in there. The kohlrabi should finish the harvest before too long as they are cold weather plants. Chard is growing great. The carrots are still small but tasty. We have succession planted radishes and carrots. Our aspargus planted this year is tall and spindly. We are going to replant in deeper soil in the fall. First year is a no go for asparagus anyhow. We lost all of our bon bon squash to bugs need to replant. the attack of the bugs now we are battling at least 5 bugs, potato beetles, cucumber beetles, Tomato horn worms, squash beetles and cabbage worms. Well that is where our garden stands as of right now. Pictures coming next week.