Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Busy in the garden

Well things have been pretty busy with our garden. We pulled up about half of our Garlic and have harvested 21 heads so far. Our Egyptian Onions are looking very good and have many little onions up top. Our Regular onions are growing like crazy as well as just about everything in the garden. Right now our tomatoes have little tomatoes onalmost every plant. They are also liking the warmer weather that we have had lately. The peppers are all starting to look much better again I think that they like the warmer weather. Although not a single seed o the seedless watermelons germinated we do have plants from the pollinators. We also have a volunteer pumpkin from last year that we transplanted that seems to be growing well. Our Giant Pumpkin is starting to outgrow the box so will soon be spilling over like we wanted. We did have a massive attack of the Colorado potato beetle and lost one of our build as you grow potatoes. We only got 1.6 pounds and about 15 smallish potatoes from the Russet Red. Hopefully the Yukon gold will produce a better harvest. They also have been attacked by potato beetles but not as bad. Our strawberries are all doing well as are our raspberries out front. Our squash are all growing just not as fast as you would expect. We also have been harvesting peas a few times a week.